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Japan Subculture Research Center

A guide to the Japanese underworld, Japanese pop-culture, yakuza and everything dark under the sun.

Month: June 2016

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  • The Sweet Taste Of Thailand….In Kagurazaka? (神楽坂のタイ?)”Roti” rocks

The Sweet Taste Of Thailand….In Kagurazaka? (神楽坂のタイ?)”Roti” rocks

Making Roti is not easy. It takes some real expertise to stretch the dough and make it very thin. Hence, despite the popularity of Thai food in japan, this dessert…

Manga and Dating Sims: The Real Path to Japanese Mastery

Boas also provides some useful vocabulary for the basic Japanese learner, particularly while exploring manga and anime's odd visual effects to communicate emotion, such as veins popping to signal anger…

日本の報道の自由度がタンザニア以下になったわけ *

報道の大きな使命が権力の監視である、ということを忘れたり、失念したふりをしているヒラメ記者が山のようにいます。  大手の新聞記者は、特権階級にあります。エスタブリッシュの一翼を担っていることを常に自らに問いかけることが必要で、権力に抗う姿勢を失った記者は、AI(人工知能)に置き換わる、単なる書き手に過ぎません。

Japan Loves Trump! Banzai!

TOKYO—Japan loves Donald TrumP—so much it wants to hug and kiss him—at least that’s the impression you might get from the Japan Supports Donald Trump For World President 2016 Banzai!…

TGIF in Tokyo! Tonight June 17th “This and That Cafe” to Feature Amazing Lineup of Artists

Tonight (Friday June 17) at 7:30, the Super Deluxe performance venue in Roppongi will be hosting the 29th incarnation of This & That Cafe, an event where artists, both international…

Japan’s Classic (Misleading) Pro-Whaling Book: “You can’t tell us what to eat!”

Japan’s fishing traditions have long-been one of its most important aspects, surviving hundreds of years mostly on fish as well as obscure seafood such as sea urchins, squids and eels…

Updated: The Gangster That Became A Buddhist Priest. Bye Bye Goto! May your karma find you wherever you are.

憚りながら懲りないし、懺悔しない邪悪な人間もいる。 Some people never repent. 12/9/2015 Action Targets Yakuza’s Global Criminal Operations WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of the Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) today designated Tadamasa Goto, an…

Former NYT Chief Explains Japan’s Lack of Journalistic Freedom

Martin Fackler, former Tokyo bureau chief for the New York Times, says Japanese newspapers are too focused on access journalism and getting the scoop before the story can really be…