STAY: An African American Film Director Works Towards Finishing A Feature Film in Japan With Crowdfunding
TOKYO – July 16, 2018 Filmsnoir Motion Pictures and Fusion For Peace Productions are proud to share their rewards-based crowdfunding campaign for the independent motion picture STAY, shot in Tokyo by award-winning…
New Movie “The Trial” (審判)Shows The Kafkaesque Side Of Japan’s Often Criminally Unjust Justice System
On another level, "The Trial" shows up the very Kafka-esqueness of Japan's judicial system - the long, grueling process of scrutiny between arrest and indictment, and how, once indictment kicks…
Child Abuse In Japan. Why Japan Keeps Returning Abused Kids To Their Parents Until They Are Killed
With Yua, the social workers who had been in charge of her case had also been understaffed, which led to carelessness and cutting corners. Yua's parents moved the family from…
Japan’s Secret Shame (The Story Behind The Story)
Shiori Ito is a brave journalist who has taken on Japan's rape culture and has pursued justice in her own case. The BBC released a documentary "Japan's Secret Shame" about…