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90 Million Yen Settlement for “Women’s Trouble” continues with Nakai Masahiro Losing His Shows


Jan 19, 2025

By Tori H. Tale

In the December 19th edition of Josei Seven, it was reported that 90 million yen was paid by Nakai Masahiro in a settlement awarded to a woman in connection with the notorious and ambiguous event known as “women’s trouble.”

The incident began in 2023, when Nakai, the woman, and a third person—a TV Fuji executive—were scheduled to attend a dinner party. However, at the last minute, the third person backed out, leaving only Nakai and the woman. What transpired next is what Japanese newspapers have referred to as “women’s trouble,” an event that many speculate was a case of rape. Although these allegations remain speculative, the unprecedented sum of 90 million yen awarded to the victim suggests a massive cover-up of something significant. According to Shukan Bunshun, the victim, described as being in her 20s and part of the entertainment industry, said, “I have not forgiven either the perpetrator or Fuji TV, and of course, I am angry.” This comment implies that the victim may partly blame Fuji TV for its role in the cover-up.

Nakai Masahiro is one of Japan’s most well-known public figures, having been the leader of one of Asia’s biggest idol groups, SMAP. His record is immaculate. Chosen to lead the group in 1988 at the age of 14, Nakai—often affectionately called “Nakai-kun” by his fans—has been a beloved figure for almost an entire lifetime. Tragically, his agency was Johnny & Associates, founded by Johnny Kitagawa, one of Asia’s most infamous predators, who allegedly preyed on young boys for decades without facing repercussions, owing to his immense power in the entertainment industry.

According to Josei Seven, a TV Fuji executive commented, “Since a settlement has been reached between the two parties, the issue is considered ‘resolved,’ and at present, there has been no discussion of ending the program or taking any other actions beyond what is being discussed at Fuji TV.”

While the settlement may have been an attempt to silence the story, it was Sponichi Annex, a sports magazine, that first reported the `trouble` as rape. “Women’s trouble” could be a euphemism for something as trivial as a domestic spat or a cheating accusation, but the 90 million yen settlement suggests something much more serious. In Japan, this kind of settlement money is crazy, and in cases like this, it may be about as close to prison as wealthy, high-profile individuals get when they are accused of rape.

Even when women come forward publicly—like Ito Shiori, who received only the equivalent of 30,000 USD after her assault—media and police response she accused them of diminishing the severity of her crime. Nakai’s case is an example of this: the allegations are dismissed as “women’s trouble,” a vague term that obscures clarity on the seriousness of the situation and fosters doubt about the nature of an alleged crime. With a clean track record and a massive fanbase, any allegation against him won`t be taken lightly. It’s the last thing anyone expected.

But if it wasn’t Nakai-kun and it was anyone of high importance, would it only take 90 million yen to get away with rape? Why was Nakai’s case deemed worth 90 million yen? Nakai has been losing shows only after the settlement leak. How much did these stations know before, and whose reputation, really, was the 90 million yen meant to protect?

Moto Fuyuki, an actor and entertainer commented on the situation saying “Masahiro Nakai is an indispensable person in this entertainment industry, so I hope this problem will be resolved soon.”

Nakai made an official statement on his website on January 9th addressing the controversy saying “There was no involvement of parties other than those concerned in this case.” and  “In relation to this trouble, there was no violence, such as by raising my hand as reported by some media.” while also stating “This dispute is all due to my inadequacies.”

It is clear from his statement he is eager to get back to work when he said, “With the settlement reached, I am able to continue my entertainment activities without issue going forward.” However it’s unclear if things will completely blow over for him as one show suggested that his time was over. TV Asahi Corp announced the same day as Nakai’s statement they would suspend his show indefinitely.

The fact that Nakai said there was no violence is concerning if the parameters of the “trouble” were sexual assault. If this was sexual assault, which is highly likely, this raises concerning questions about the parameters of consent and if rape is considered a violent act in Japan. There may never be a time in which the word rape or sexual assault are most assuredly used regarding this situation but it can be left up to anyone’s common sense.

The following is a translated transcript of Nakai’s entire apology:

I am very sorry for causing trouble to everyone.

Some of the information reported by the media is not true, and I am very sorry to the other party and all those concerned.

I was refraining from sending out a message due to confidentiality obligations associated with the settlement with the other party.

As I have caused others pain in many ways in my own activities, I would like to explain to the extent possible.

It is true that I had gotten into trouble.

It is also true that the matter has been resolved following a settlement through attorneys for both parties.

Over the course of the settlement, I sincerely faced up to proposals made by the other party and responded to them.

In relation to this trouble, there was no violence, such as by raising my hand as reported by some media.

With the settlement reached, I am able to continue my entertainment activities without issue going forward.

There was no involvement of parties other than those concerned in this case.

Here are my closing words.

This dispute is all due to my inadequacies.

The other party is involved in this case.

I respectfully request that you refrain from prying into the matter based on conjectures or making slanderous statements regarding this matter.

I extend my deepest apologies to all of you.

I am truly sorry.

Jan. 9, 2025

Masahiro Nakai, Nonbiri Nakai

TBS and TV Asahi have removed at least 2 upcoming shows with Nakai including shows that have Nakai`s name in the title (To Masahiro Nakai’s Friday Smiles). Despite the noticeable absences of Nakai TV news stations aren’t saying much. According to Nikkan Sports, a TBS public relations officer said, “We will refrain from answering as this is a matter related to contracts with individual companies.”

TV Fuji has not commented on inquiries regarding the situation.

(Editor’s note January 27, 2025: Nakai has announced his retirement from the entertainment industry since the original date of publication. Fuji TV has also lost over half of their sponsors since the start of the scandal.)


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[ December 26, 2024 04:45 ] Sponichi Annex Reporting Team

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6Nakai Masahiro embroiled in scandal – Neo-Tokyo 2099

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7 SMAP’s Nakai Masahiro Disappears from Japanese TV as Scandal Grows – Unseen Japan

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8. 中居正広MC「仰天ニュース」7日特番「放送に関しては適切な対応を致します」と日テレがコメント – 芸能 : 日刊スポーツ

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