Student Loan Defaults Increasing At Record Speed in Japan
NEWSFLASH: Hiroyuki Tanaka Wins World Top Fork competition in all categories
Judge Akireru Sugu explains, "When he came on the stage and pulled out his Kyocera porcelain fork and nothing else and brandished it in the air, then plowed in and…
“Womenomics” is working just as well as Abenomics–badly. 女は辛いよ
The Global Gender Gap report published last year noted that Mr. Abe and the LDP's pledge to bridge the gender divide resulted in actually widening the gulf, with Nippon sliding…
The Amazing Japanese Wife: Part 1
Japan Subculture Research Center is proud to present a series of short stories, by our resident book reviewer and social commentator, Kaori Shoji, on the often tragically mismatched marriages of…
Are you a white guy? Now Write Your Own Bad Expat Novel Set In Japan! Here’s how
On the plane, as I scratched my hipster beard, I wondered: Do Japanese people shave a lot? Would my tattoo that read 肉食 (Meet People) charm the natives or alienate…
Japan’s Labor Ministry Names and Shames “Dark Companies” For Labor Abuse
Burakku kigyō (dark companies, exploitive enterprises) are probably the epitome of everything that’s wrong in Japan today. In 2013, it was among the top trending words of the year. They’re…
ZEPPIN(絶品) #3/WACHOSHOKU(和朝食) Japanese Breakfast Rules!
We were served a delicious meal (和朝食) of hot rice, cold broiled salmon, assorted pickles, sweet egg, dried seaweed and hot miso soup. I thought it was delicious. JSRC editor,…
Samurai Fashion in New York City Until March 25th 2017
Samurais are usually known for their honor code, ever wonder what their fashion code was ? It turns out, they had just as elaborate a fashion code when it comes…
Zeppin(絶品) #2/The Eyeglass Frames Of Sabae. Looking ahead to a better Japan?
One small city in the heart of Japan produces 96% of all glass frames in Japan and 20% of the world's eyeglass frames, including high-end brands you'd never think were…
グローバルポップグループ「NOW UNITED」 ⽇本代表メンバーを! (応募締切2⽉23⽇)
新しいグローバルのポップグループ「NOW UNITED」は既存のグループとは異なり、踊りや歌だけ ではなく、リアルタイムでグループの⾳楽や私⽣活にアクセスできるようになるのが⼀つの特徴です。 若者が如何に熱意のある演技ができるのかがオーディションのポイントとなります。「⽇本の⾊鮮や かでスケールの⼤きい⾳楽と踊りの世界が⼤好きで、今回のグローバルグループにもその要素を取り ⼊れることがとても⼤切だと思いました。踊れて歌えるのはもちろんのこと、それ以上に世界を舞台 に⽇本を代表できるタレントを求めています。」とサイモン・フラーもコメントしております。