The difference between a pick-up artist & getting picked up for crimes in Japan.
It’s one thing to teach dubious techniques to socially inadequate men on how to bed women; it’s another thing to grab Japanese women and force their face into your crotch.…
The Most Hated Man In Japan Is Coming Back…He’s not welcome. He’s not sexy
“When you go to Tokyo….if you’re a white male, you can do what you want. Just grab her, pull her in. She’ll giggle. Just say PIKACHU or POKEMON or something…
A Second of Satori: Sunset in Nara
Note: Now and then at JSRC, we come across a whimsical or interesting post about Japan that captures some of the quirkiness or beauty of this place. This is from @tomoshiga…
Harro Halloween Party 2014: Where to go in Tok-ee-oh (Tokyo)
Halloween is one of the biggest party events in Japan and some have estimated that Japanese people spend more on the festivities than those in America. And why not? This…
Saying Goodbye To Japan
I count this as one of my teaching successes. One of my Japanese students is a budding illustrator, and one of her characters is Gachico. Last year when she started…
Japan’s Female Police Commissioner worked with racist & sexist newspaper?
It's not just Ms. Yamatani's ties to a hate group reviled by the UN, Zaitokukai, but in an essay she wrote for a magazine run by a member of the…
Ray Bradbury, Journalism & Mr. Dark. “You can’t act if you don’t know.”
"Have I said anything I started out to say about being good? God, I don't know. A stranger is shot in the street, you hardly move to help. But if,…
Autumn Equinox (秋分の日): Honor your ancestors, remember the departed
While Shubun no Hi symbolizes the transition of summer into fall, the day also marks a time when Japanese people pay respects to their ancestors.
On Modern Slavery: Thoughts on Human Trafficking
[Not only do I find it personally abhorrent, but intellectually, it] is a terrible exploit of labor that robs women, men and children of their freedom and dignity. In fact,…
無縁仏(Muenbotoke): Buddhas Without Connections
On the 8th and 15th of this month, in Japan and in parts of Asia, they celebrate Nirvana Day. It commemorates the death of the Buddha and his liberation from…