Aliens Versus Yakuza: 宇宙人対極道: A Masterpiece Of Bad Genre Films
I wouldn't want to spoil the rest of the film for our readers but it does solve the ancient question: in a battle between an alien and a yakuza, who…
The Hardest Men In Town: Chronicles of Sin, Sex, Violence and 1975 classic gangster film THE YAKUZA
In honour of Japan’s Celebration of Cinema Day, December 1st, we’ve reposted some reviews and articles on classic films. Some good, some bad, some epic.This was originally posted on March 10th 2011.…
The 10 Worst Films About Japan*: You Might Only Live Twice But Are These Movies Worth Seeing Once?
Memoirs of a Geisha starring Zhang Ziyi as a ravishing prewar geisha by the name of Sayuri ('white lily'), sinks to basement level lows of pigeon-holing and cultural misunderstanding. As…
The 100 Hour Japanese Work-Week and One Woman Who Escaped
On the other hand, most Japanese - white collar or not, are well aware that clocking in over 100 hours of overtime a month is quite common, and so is…
In Japan, the handicapped have to literally fight for their right to live and be treated with dignity. Some of them do. On 27th July, 19 residents of a nursing…
Yakuza University: It’s a hard knock education
Le monde criminel possède souvent son propre langage et ses propres expressions. Les yakuza ne font pas exception à la règle. Par exemple, plutôt que de dire « aller en…
AKB48: A Microcosm Of Dark Corporate Japan. Sexual exploitation of child labor is sooo cute. (Book review)
Shohei Sakakura has linked Black Companies with the nation's most famous and lucrative girl group AKB 48. "AKB48 and the Black Companies," and his indictments make Walmart look like a…
The JK Biz (日本語版)未成年の性的搾取(JKビジネス)と日本の異様な「カワイイ」
The Matcha Better F*ck: A Japonesque Cocktail For The Ages
But then I had an idea. Why not substitute Suntory's delicious (sort) green tea liqueur Japone for the Midori? So we tried it. The slightly bittersweet Matcha (抹茶/thick green tea)…
Cherry Blossom Sale In Tokyo! Last chance to 花見!
As eerie as the location sounds, Aoyama Cemetery is far from spooky with hundreds of trees that bloom each spring. The cemetery also contains the graves of several notables including…