Zeppin(絶品) #2/The Eyeglass Frames Of Sabae. Looking ahead to a better Japan?
One small city in the heart of Japan produces 96% of all glass frames in Japan and 20% of the world's eyeglass frames, including high-end brands you'd never think were…
The Great White Woman Is Here to Save Japanese Men
Hey, Asian guys! You’re hot! Don’t you feel better now. As a reward here is an unasked for smooch from a white woman—for free. She’s even blonde! Feel better now?…
Zeppin(絶品) #1/The Iron Men Of Iwate
At Japan Subculture Research Center, this year we are starting a series looking at the best services and products offered by Japan, our Zeppin (絶品)Series. In Japan, one of a…
Celebrate Japanese Cinema Day: 映画の日! Ninja! Yakuza! Cyborgs! Reviews!
But I think that the reason the general public identified with the roles I played, was that they were struck by my stance as a man who unrelentingly stands up…
Some parting words from Yakuza movie icon Takakura Ken on yakuza films, his favourite movies, and acting
But I think that the reason the general public identified with the roles I played, was that they were struck by my stance as a man who unrelentingly stands up…
Ghost in the Shell: The Matrix of Sci-Fi Anime
With the newest Ghost in the Shell film in theaters, and a live-action version on the horizon, it's important to take a look back at what made the original so…
The Sweet Taste Of Thailand….In Kagurazaka? (神楽坂のタイ?)”Roti” rocks
Making Roti is not easy. It takes some real expertise to stretch the dough and make it very thin. Hence, despite the popularity of Thai food in japan, this dessert…
Manga and Dating Sims: The Real Path to Japanese Mastery
Boas also provides some useful vocabulary for the basic Japanese learner, particularly while exploring manga and anime's odd visual effects to communicate emotion, such as veins popping to signal anger…
日本の報道の自由度がタンザニア以下になったわけ *
報道の大きな使命が権力の監視である、ということを忘れたり、失念したふりをしているヒラメ記者が山のようにいます。 大手の新聞記者は、特権階級にあります。エスタブリッシュの一翼を担っていることを常に自らに問いかけることが必要で、権力に抗う姿勢を失った記者は、AI(人工知能)に置き換わる、単なる書き手に過ぎません。
The Late-Blooming Cherry Blossoms: Yaezakura. Never too late for Hanami
There are many kinds of cherry blossom. Yae-Zakura is a double-layer type of sakura which is famous for its beauty and strength. The normal type of one-layer sakura tends to…