One of the abiding myths that exist among the Japanese is that we are a single race nation. The school system teaches among other things, that no one, but absolutely no one, lives here except us Japanese-speaking, NHK-loving folk, firmly entrenched in samurai values and our ethical values personified in our being workaholics. Those who aren’t a member of this clan? Well they just happen to be here by accident, and should be tolerated without being truly welcomed. Facts like the systematic pillage/plunder of the Ainu race in Hokkaido, the enslavement of Koreans brought here during the late 16th century, the Chinese laborers who came via Okinawa during the country’s modernization process in the early 20th century – such things are swept under the futon and politely ignored.
The myth swells up like an unwieldy monster when it comes to marriage. Among many respectful families in the Kansai area, prospective brides are literally put under a hot lamp and examined minutely. Family lineage is a huge issue and woe to any young woman if there’s a record of a non-Japanese tarnishing her family tree. Never mind that Kobe has a sizable Indian population (the biggest in Japan) and in Osaka, 1.28 people out of every 100 are “zainichi,” or Japanese Korean (Source: Kansai families are renowned for their conservatism and adamant about protecting their blood. And on the rest of the archipelago, many Japanese women will date “gaijin” or foreign men, but only a fraction of those couples ever make it to the altar.
On the other hand, once you go out of the major cities and into the countryside, you’ll see that Japanese men have been willing to marry outside the Japanese bracket, for the past 30 years. As elsewhere in the world, young Japanese women refuse to marry into farms that translate immediately to a life of endless toil. Consequently, men in rural areas consider themselves lucky to marry women from the Phillippines, China and South America, claiming that foreign women are much more hardworking helpmates than their cold and calculating Japanese counterparts. As for the language barrier, it could be just be the glue to bind a lasting union. As Tokuo Miyake, a dairy farmer in Matsumoto City says of his Phillippinna wife: “I like it that we don’t speak each other’s language very much. We live with my mother, and my wife doesn’t understand it when my mom lashes out at her. Because we understand only the bare essentials about each other, there’s less to be annoyed or irritated about.”
Opening March 19 is a French movie about this very subject called “Serial Bad Weddings” – a hilarious and sometimes poignant observation of the merge between traditional values and foreign culture. The French sleeper hit of 2014, (one out of every five people in France saw it) it has finally reached our shores, just in time for the Abe Administration to contemplate opening the nation’s doors to refugees another couple of centimeters this year. (Editor’s note: That might allow a small child to slip in)
Director/Co-writer Phillippe de Chauveron himself has been involved in an intense relationship with a Ghanian woman for the past decade and is now ready to tie the knot. “Speaking as a Frenchman, I think that my country can best be described as schizophrenic,” he said. “On the one hand, there are the ultra-rightists who want to crack down on foreigners and refugees, and then there are the liberals who are all for opening the gates. There is evidence of rampant racism but we try to take a stand on systematic discrimination and to help refugees start their lives anew. It’s very chaotic, but we’re always evolving.”
Intriguingly, France has the highest rate of mixed marriages in the EU – close to 20% of married couples are of differing nationalities. For the rest of Europe that number on average, is a paltry 3%. In Japan, mixed marriages have soared since 1965: one out of every 30 or so couples who got married between 2006 and 2013 fit that bill. 50 years ago, it was one out of every 230. (Source: De Chauveron says that the French are probably “more willing to experiment and try out things. Also, we are more likely to tire of relationships that go too smoothly. We thrive on arguments and passionate discussions and we love poking fun at each other’s racial foibles.” De Chauveron added that every mixed union is, “fraught with disaster and laced with laughter. It’s a matter of finding the right balance.”
The story unfolds around the 4 daughters of the Verneuil Family, one of the most respected old names in the Loire Region. The dad (Christian Clavier) and mom (Chantal Lauby) are a little dismayed when their daughters (whom they brought up to be good French Catholics) all marry foreign men: an Arab, a Jew and a Chinese man. They pin their last hopes on their youngest daughter, but she commits the ultimate faux pas by getting engaged to an African. Chaos ensues. “The French are still struggling with the ills of our colonial legacy,” said De Chauveron. In his view though, “at least we are struggling, and very much aware of these issues.” That’s much more than we can say for how things are in Japan.

But there’s one Japanese chipping away at the mixed marriage ice, so to speak. That would be Manga artist Jean Paul Nishi (despite his pseudonym he’s a total Nippon male). He is the author of a manga series about living as a Japanese in Paris, finding the love of his life and then bringing her back to Tokyo where they are now raising a son. “I liked the movie a lot,” said Nishi who was at the press screening. “I especially identified with the dad. In real life, I’m one of the husbands you know, one of the guys who marry a French girl and tick off the family and all that. But I could really tell what was going on in the mind of the father, probably because I’m Japanese and conservatism is in my blood.” Nishi said that having lived in both countries, he’s become hyper aware of the cultural differences between Japan and Europe. “The Japanese think that being an an enlightened adult and a global citizen and all that, is to ignore the bad stuff, sweep all that aside and pretend like they can’t see the elephant in the room. The Europeans and particularly the French, are the opposite. They want to have it out and engage in deep discussions or fling insults at each other and then finally reach an understanding with each other. The Japanese think it’s a virtue not to say what’s on their minds but in Europe, not speaking up and or being dishonest about your feelings can lead to irreparable results. I think the Japanese have a 50-year lag compared to the French, in terms of interacting with others not from these shores.”
On an optimistic note, we could probably shave off at least 5 years from that lag, when we start admitting to certain historical facts about the country and our own bad legacies.
[…] Source: Japan Subculture Research Center […]
Judging from your name, I’m assuming you’re Japanese. But I can’t believe how “xenophobic” this article is! It takes a really myopic view on the immigration debate and brings up political agenda when it’s not necessary.
“we could probably shave off at least 5 years from that lag, when we start admitting to certain historical facts about the country and our own bad legacies.”
Well, a lot of Japanese people don’t believe in allegation and there’s nothing wrong with it. You should try to see things from the other side’s perspective.
I hate foreigners that openly criticize the country they’re living in and I found this aspect annoying when I was living in Japan. You’re acting like such an ignorant individual.
We can’t speak for the author but she is Japanese and not half. Japan’s atrocities during World War II are well-documented facts and a failure to deal with them and a government condoned xenophobia doesn’t help the nation’s image or it’s future. Criticism is a sign of interest. Only the apathetic or cowards remain silent in the face of injustice or cruelty. Just saying.
Thank you for your reply. But you’ve completely missed the point and are further cementing my argument.
As a Japanese person, I don’t think the “government is denying” anything and I think the so-called atrocities have been exaggerated. You are allowed to disagree with this view but bringing this contentious topic on interracial marriage and Japan’s stance on immigration is silly and just echoes the far left-wing sentiment that so many Japanese people (including myself) dislike; the kind of sentiment that would want to argue about Japanese national anthems. It’s just unnecessary.
And I’m sick and tired of people saying Japan is xenophobic when countries like the UK is FAR more xenophobic. But I guess it’s okay because they are (predominantly) white and western. Only Asian countries like Japan deserve ridicule and censure, ey? Well you don’t see Japanese people lynching immigrants like you do in the UK so I don’t see why you’d be calling Japan “xenophobic”.
And “We can’t speak for the author but she is Japanese and not half.”? What the…. I think you meant to use the term “haafu”.
“Only the apathetic or cowards remain silent in the face of injustice or cruelty. ” Well, I am not remaining silent, here, ey? I seriously don’t think you understand what you just wrote.
Asian countries don’t need the approval of people from the west so please stop acting like your opinion is better just because you’re not Asian (I’m assuming). “It doesn’t help the nation’s image”? Donald Trump doesn’t help the US’ image (and so on) but you don’t hear us Asians making the same kind of comments, ey. Whether you acknowledge it or not, your sentiment is racist and for a blog that’s about Japan, completely misses the point. If an average Japanese person reads this blog (albeit translated), they would think it’s a crazy left-wing nutjob piece.
Even the title is silly and sexist. There are plenty of interracial Asian-Caucasian marriages where the dad is the Asian. Although there are people who do marry for the wrong reasons, it’s an insult to people who married with people from another race because they didn’t care about the race. Talk about xenophobic.
The logical argument you’re using is “whataboutism.” It’s a Soviet Union style argument.
And as a Japanese person, it doesn’t necessarily make you an authority on Japanese wartime history or post-war history. It makes you a commentator from Japa or with roots in Japan.
“Japan is xenophobic but look at Donald Trump.” That’s neither here nor there. Because a problem is worse somewhere else in no sense diminishes the problem.
“Japan is 61 in the World Press Freedom Ranking where it used to be 11, but look at how bad China is.” That doesn’t diminish the fact that Japan’s press freedom ranking has been deteriorating.
The title of the article is tongue in cheek. It’s an essay not a news feature and it doesn’t cover every single possible aspect of international marriage. That would take a book.
And “half” or “haafu” is a matter of preferred spelling.
Actually, Japan having signed and ratified the United National Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other agreements and treaty does need the approval of the world or at least to keep its word as a nation. “But what about the US?” The US fails too but so what?
I actually agree with you and I identify myself as far-left.
Next watch the movie “Hafu” & see what it’s like for children of mixed marriage in Japan. It’s more than ticking off the parents.
[…] “Does My Gaijin Husband Go Good With My Dress?” Mixed Marriage in France & Japan […]
Great common sense here. Wish I’d thuohgt of that.
What I think we westerners do not have is humility. We come to Japan (or any non-western country for that matter) and expect people to speak English so that we can communicate with them. We do not often realize that the cultures (ours and theirs) are very different but the difference does not make either of them better than the other. I have often heard people from different cultures try to establish an imaginary superiority by saying how “the others” are strange, do not have common sense, etc. Instead, why not be more open and less judgemental? It will make life easier, more interesting and certainly more enjoyable.
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