Japan’s gaijin community is set to shrink to pre-Meiji era levels as they leave in droves due to Japanese women no longer finding them attractive.
While male foreigners have long claimed that their continued residence in Japan is down to a love for Japanese culture and sushi, the recent decline in women wanting to bed them due to belatedly seeing them for the losers that they really are, has seen them flocking to airports…for the rest of the story click here .
rom Nagmag)
This is a painfully funny article from Nagmag (Nagoya Magazine) that has resonated with the expatriate community. It’s another timely shattering of the Charisma Man myth. Yes, being a blue-eyed guy fresh off the boat may not guarantee you prosperity and popularity in Japan any more. I don’t mind. I came for different reasons and I stay for good reasons: my desire to make my adapted home a better place and also: good public health care. Banzai.
While this article seems particularly painfully funny for the male expatriates, there are many female expats who have commented that not getting any action in Japan is one of the reasons they leave in the first place. Or as my former room-mate once put it, “Tokyo is full of the most beautiful underfucked foreign women in the world.”
She then left for Germany, found a great man, got married, and is seemingly very happy.

“Underfucked”… sounds like I have the title and material to my next novella.
Yeah, I’ve described Japan as a romantic wasteland for women. I loved living there, but…I knew that if I ever wanted a family (or a relationship, really), I had to leave. Plus, it would be a lot harder to get a career there as a black woman.
*for foreign women
I agree with Truth above. I moved to Tokyo from Melbourne in July, and was recently single. And still am. I do not have an issue with this per se. But the dating scene here seriously seems to favour the expat guys. And if you happen to not be the Roppongi partying type, forget it. Serious relationships for late-20-something women are seemingly unheard of.